In honour of National No Smoking Day, the UKVIA has put together a series of testimonies from adults who were finally empowered to kick the deadly habit through vaping.
These powerful stories were submitted through the association’s REAL VAPERS campaign – which was created to highlight the real-world impact of vaping to smokers who may have been discouraged from making the switch.
They represent just a handful of the millions of people whose lives have been changed for the better because of vaping.
“I started vaping over 11 years ago, a week before my 51st birthday, after smoking since the age of 12. I have tried every form of stop smoking aids and help over the years, including hypnosis and acupuncture – none have ever worked.
“I know that my health was suffering from smoking and although desperate to stop…I couldn’t. I had almost given up on giving up, then vapes appeared in my life and I’ve never looked back.”
Submitted by a REAL VAPER
“I tried many times to quit smoking after over 40 years smoking vaping really worked for me and I’ve now been smoke free for 10 years.”
Submitted by a REAL VAPER
“Smoked aged eight in a bus shelter in Kirkintilloch, got addicted smoked till I was thirty-nine then switched to vaping & never looked back. Best decision I’ve ever made. Got my mum who’s now seventy-two into it & she no longer needs her twenty a day B&H habit. Vaping changed our lives.”
Submitted by a REAL VAPER
“I am a 60-year-old woman who has smoked 30 a day from the age of 16. I switched to vaping this year and haven’t had a cigarette since. I’ve tried stopping smoking before and always went back to it, but I have no desire to go back to it now. I understand the concerns around vaping especially for young people but for me it has been a game changer and finally enabled me to give up cigarettes.”
Submitted by a REAL VAPER
Are you an ex-smoker who quit through vaping? Would you like to share your story and help highlight the power of vaping as a stop smoking tool? Click here to learn more about the UKVIA’s REAL VAPERS campaign.