NHS Scotland continues to back vaping as a harm reduction tool for smokers, in a scheme aimed at those trying to quit cigarettes. New literature, ‘How to Stop Smoking’, provides information on a range of options for smokers in Scotland, including vaping.
NHS Scotland have supported the utilisation of vaping for some time. In 2017 it stated that there was “agreement based on the current evidence that vaping e-cigarettes is definitely less harmful than smoking tobacco”.
The UKVIA hopes that NHS Scotland will continue to consider the growing field of evidence demonstrating vaping’s effectiveness in smoking cessation.
Doug Mutter, director of UKVIA member VPZ, said:
“The UKVIA welcomes news from NHS Scotland that vaping will continue to be vital tool in smoking-cessation strategy. NHS Scotland has been a progressive voice in the space for several years and their support of vaping will lead to further improvements in public health. We would encourage the formation of a Cross-Party Group on Vaping, to ensure that these gains in harm reduction are protected and enhanced.”
The UKVIA calls on national governments, in Scotland and elsewhere, to heed the advice of institutions such as NHS Scotland, and to safeguard progressive policies on vaping and public health.