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Healthcare Hub

Vaping, which offers a critical lifeline for smokers as a powerful and evidence-backed quitting tool, has been instrumental in bringing the UK’s smoking prevalence down to record low levels and has an undeniable role to play in helping achieve smokefree ambitions. It also has the potential to reduce cost burdens to our struggling NHS.

Sadly, misperceptions about vaping are at an all-time high, with 50% of smokers wrongly believing it to be as or more harmful than smoking – which claims almost 78,000 lives every year in England alone.

Healthcare professionals have a key role to play in communicating the reduced risk and stop smoking potential and this Healthcare Hub was created to provide information, resources and guidance on quitting smoking through vaping for NHS staff and patients.

Vaping versus Smoking

A guide to quitting smoking through vaping for healthcare professionals

Whether you’re a clinical lead for cardiovascular or respiratory conditions, a frontline healthcare practitioner caring for patients or are responsible for delivering learning and development programmes in your hospital, please download our complete guide on vaping to support successful quits amongst patients who smoke. 

By providing answers to common questions from smokers about vaping, it is designed to help healthcare professionals talk knowledgeably and give best advice and information to those looking to break away from smoking by making the switch.  

Vaping to Quit Smoking

A five-step guide on making the switch  

This guide is designed to supports smokers kick the habit for good with the help of vaping, as the most effective quitting tool available.  

It covers five key steps to a smoke-free life including: 

  1. Understanding your smoking habits to enable the best course of action when it comes to vaping 

  2. Identifying the types of vape devices that are best for you based on factors such as lifestyle and smoking frequency 

  3. Knowing the nicotine levels that are right for you in a vape device based on previous tobacco consumption 

  4. Finding the best flavours to help you stick with vaping and stay off cigarettes

  5. What to do if you aren’t progressing on your quitting journey as quickly as you’d hoped  

The guide also covers a range of common questions asked by smokers about vaping and provides evidence-backed facts to help address key myths and concerns.  

‘Start Vaping, Stop Smoking’ Poster Series

Our special series of ‘Start Vaping, Stop Smoking’ posters highlight key information and facts to help dispel myths that may be preventing smokers from making the switch and encourage patients with smoking related conditions to consider vaping as a tool to help them quit for good. Ideal for notice boards and reception areas around hospitals.  

What experts say:

What the research shows:

Visit our dedicated page for smokers where you can find more evidenced based facts on vaping, a number
of FAQs, a guide to how vape devices work and an interactive map of specialist vape retail outlets across the country who can provide smokers with lots of high level advice on how to quit smoking using vaping.