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The annual UKVIA Forum and Awards Dinner is back!

The Changing Vaping Environment - Succeeding in a New Policy Landscape

The UK vape industry is currently facing more uncertainty than any time since regulations began with politicians seeking unprecedented powers to restrict flavours, retail displays and product packaging.

Disposables will be banned throughout the UK from April and there are plans to introduce new vape taxes.

We would also now have a new Tobacco and Vapes Act on the statute books, had the General Election not stopped it in its tracks, but we can expect to see this legislation back before parliament, although perhaps in a revised form.

This year the Forum theme is ‘The Changing Vaping Environment – Succeeding in a New Policy Landscape’ to reflect what needs to be done against a backdrop of unprecedented regulatory change.

The vape sector has helped bring down smoking rates to a record low with affordable, technologically-advanced products which deliver nicotine to smokers in a far more appealing way than patches or gum ever can.

This year we are battling for the future of our industry so that we can continue to give adult smokers a reduced risk product which has only a fraction of the risks of cigarettes. We also want a vape licensing scheme which would come down hard on those who sell to children and provide £50m-a-year to fund an unprecedented nationwide Trading Standards enforcement action.

The annual Forum and Awards Dinner which follows are the vaping industry events of the year, which attract hundreds of delegates and guests and are attended by senior executives from the vaping industry together with MPs, government advisors, public health professionals, regulators, enforcement organisations, think tanks, researchers, product and service providers and the investment community.

Five reasons to go to the Vaping Industry
& Forum & Celebration Dinner 2024

The UK's biggest B2B event

The Vaping Industry Forum is the largest event of its kind in the UK and has been running for seven years. Focusing on the major opportunities and challenges in the industry, it attracts high profile speakers, C-suite delegates across the sector and key figures from government, parliament, regulatory bodies, the healthcare community, retail sector and research community. 

Make your voice heard

The format of the conference, with hot topic panel debates and keynote presentations, offers an opportunity for you to make your voice heard and to influence action to address industry challenges and open the door to new opportunities. Put yourself forward by submitting a proposed contribution to the UKVIA team organising the forum by emailing us – just include ‘UKVIA Vaping Industry Forum 2024 Proposed Contribution’ in the subject header.

Make new connections

The Vaping Industry Forum 2024 is predicted to be the biggest and best yet as the UKVIA continues to grow its membership base exponentially. This will present an opportunity for attendees to make new connections, helping build new business-critical relationships and open up commercial opportunities.

Support the industry

By attending the event you will be supporting the sector and the UKVIA. As a not-for-profit organisation surplus money made from the Vaping Industry Forum and exhibition will go towards additional activities to promote the industry to key stakeholders.

Promote your products and services​

For the third year running a dedicated exhibition theatre will run concurrent with the Forum and will provide an opportunity for you to promote what you offer for as little as £1,600 + VAT. There are also a wide range of sponsorship opportunities for businesses that want to showcase their brand at the vaping industry’s most prestigious and established event, run by the sector for the sector.

Who will be attending?

The UKVIA Forum & Exhibition is designed for representatives of:

  • Vape retailers
  • Vape manufacturers
  • Vape wholesalers
  • Vape distributors
  • Vape compliance specialists
  • Government, parliament and the civil service
  • Smoking cessation organisations
  • The healthcare sector
  • Investment analysts
  • Regulatory bodies
  • Business/professional services providers to the vaping industry
  • Product solutions providers to the vaping industry
  • Local government
  • Industry trade bodies
  • Think tanks
  • Market research sector
  • Academia

Conference agenda

(Coming Soon)

Sponsorship opportunities

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Headline (Forum)

Headline (Awards)



Silver (Forum)