The UKVIA runs a number of Committees which have been established to ensure that the Association and its members are seen as driving standards to support the image of a responsible sector and to ensure a fair and proportionate regulatory and legislative environment.
The committees are represented by a cross section of members who drive their respective agendas. Full members are invited to participate in and contribute to these committees, thereby presenting a tangible opportunity to shape the direction of the industry.

Operations Executive
Discusses the operational elements of the UKVIA and agrees actions on behalf of the membership.

Policy and Regulatory Committee
Responsible for steering the Association’s public affairs programme which currently focuses on positioning the sector as highly responsible, campaigning for fair and proportionate regulation/legislation, promoting the economic and social value/impact of vaping and establishing relationships with the NHS and public bodies.

Youth Access Prevention Committee
Leads on the prevention of underage sales online and in-store including the production of a guide in conjunction with Trading Standards on preventing underage sales; and developing internal frameworks which set standards and track progress relating to youth access prevention amongst the membership. All members, who are vaping retailers are required to participate in two test purchasing programmes a year, whereby underage individuals attempt to purchase goods in store and online.

Standards Committee
Reviews the technical positionings of regulatory bodies with a view to agreeing internal and industry-wide standards across six key areas:
- Product Manufacturing;
- Devices and Accessories;
- Consumable Ingredients and Compenents;
- Product Performance; and
- Product Launches.

Membership committee
Reviews and approves membership applications, following a due diligence process and discusses new member recruitment strategy.